Fourth of Julime Watermelon Slushy

Cool off with the Fourth of Julime Watermelon Slushy! The trick of this treat is freezing the watermelon in cubes ahead of time. I usually do it the night before I plan to serve it. This prep work gives the slushy its icy cool texture.

Tucker looking down slushy


Watermelon (seedless, medium size)

4 Limes (1 lime for every 5 cups of cubed watermelon)


SHORTCUTS: You can substitute limes and honey with limeade (which already has sugar). And if you aren’t able to freeze the watermelon the night before, just add ice to help give the slushy the icy texture.


  1. Cut watermelon off the rind in 1-inch cubes.
  2. Freeze cubed watermelon overnight (8-10 hours).
  3. Blend frozen watermelon with freshly squeezed limes (or limeade) in blender or food processor. Add water if needed to blend.
  4. Add honey to desired sweetness, 1-2 tablespoons is a good start.

Serve and enjoy immediately after blending.

Happy 4th of July! Tucker

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